How to Follow Up with Your Networking Connections

So, you have just attended a unique and productive business event where you could network and connect with others in your industry. They are well-known in the community and considered leaders in their field. You put in the work, chatted, exchanged contact info, and walked away feeling awesome. But the next day, you realize that you need to follow up with your contacts to keep the connection and communication moving forward in a professional and productive way.

So, how do you do this without annoying them, putting them off and taking away any chance of future communication? The art of follow-up is indeed an art form. You most certainly want to maintain communication and professional respect.

Here are some suggestions on how to turn your contacts into a long-term professional relationship or customer:

It’s vital to promptly reach out to them within a few days of meeting them. A personalized email or a short phone call to express how grateful you were to connect with them at the event. This can leave a lasting impression.

It’s important when talking or emailing them for the first time to show how you can provide value to their business. This helps you lay the foundation that will establish you as a trusted resource. And hopefully this goes without saying, but now is not the time to information that does not apply to them. No water cooler talk, if you get my drift!

You will also want to be consistent in building and maintaining your connections. Share your professional activities with people you have common ground with. And even more importantly, ask about their progress and new developments in their professional careers.

As your relationships grow, you might feel comfortable sharing specific program offers you are rolling out. This this will help you be more exclusive with your contacts.

Another suggestion would be to reach out to them for THEIR feedback and insight. This must be a genuine request.

You know the saying, know—like—trust! Give more value before you try to be salesy. The best networkers have learned what it takes to grow a professional relationship. It’s not an overnight process.

Reach out to us if you’d like to attend a meeting to see if we’re a good fit!

Networking Associates of Bucks


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