What is networking?

man and woman shaking hands at a networking eventNetworking is essential to professional development and is crucial for advancing your career and/or business.

It allows you to connect with people, both virtually and in-person, in your industry, organization, community or group to learn about new opportunities and establish relationships with others who may be able to help you now or in the future. It is also a way to work with other like-minded people in your niche or career path.

Networking can help you gain valuable insight and advice from individuals who have been in your industry for extended periods, like coaches, executives or mentors.

By networking, you can reach out to thought leaders and other individuals in your industry who can provide you with valuable advice, insight and guidance, helping you avoid common mistakes and navigate the challenges of a new role or industry.

Reaching out to others via networking connects you with others in your field, opens up new opportunities for collaboration and growth, and through your network connects help you to move forward in developing new contacts to work with.

During the pandemic, virtual networking became second nature to us. At first, it felt awkward to do, but as time went on, virtual meet-ups and zoom meetings were vital to us expanding our networking circle. Social media sites like LinkedIn and industry related Facebook Groups are a great way to reach out to others, as long as you are genuine and not spammy.

Networking is not a one-and-done or quick fix for you. It needs to be built consistently, nurtured and refreshed over time. It will always be updated to stay relevant. One never knows who is connected to who and how that could impact your future.

For example, your professional network may have:

  • Industry peers and others in your industry
  • People who share the same interests, education level, employment goals and skills
  • Past classmates, alums or teachers
  • Previous supervisors and colleagues
  • Clients and vendors
  • Virtual connections from groups, online communities or forums

When asked how networking has impacted careers, most people said it led to career opportunities, professional advancement, generated fresh ideas and being hired

Networking is a powerful tool for growing your career path, forming a longstanding business relationship and building your professional reputation far into the future.

Cathy Scanlon
Firstrust Bank – Doylestown